We would like to dedicate this menu to our brother, Antonio. This menu is comprised of many of his favorite recipes, all of which embody the flavors and culture of our home town, Salerno. Antonio was faithful to his tradition; he strongly believed in remaining authentic to his roots. He refused all foreign influences in his cooking, insisting on using only basic ingredients and fresh seasonal products. In each dish, Antonio applied his extensive culinary knowledge gained from his masters in Italy, with whom he always kept in touch.

This insistence on maintaining the customs and tradition of our homeland is what sets us apart in the industry. Today we thank our brother for safeguarding our traditional flavors and for teaching us that it is possible to be successful by being true to one's self. We'd like to thank him for being tough on all of us and for never letting us be afraid to stand our ground. And finally, we'd like to thank him for being our big brother.

With love,

Your brothers Gerardo, Giuseppe, Cosimo and sister Nicla

  San Pietro Ristorante East 54th Street 18
10022 New York City N Y

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